zero bodies, not one, plenty of emotive words though

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May 12·edited May 13Author

The detailed record and account of ~34k killed came from the Nazi's own filed reports to, and archives in, Berlin. Countless eye witness accounts of survivors can be seen on-line detailing what they went through and how they survived. Video taped public hearings were held after the war. The Nuremberg trials detailed Nazi's own records of the Babi Yar massacre. My family personally suffered and knew people who were victims.. One woman who was close to our family survived with her 5 year old son by giving her wedding ring to a German soldier to get out of the line (the full details of the story are horrible). The claim of "zero bodies" is often cited by deniers, while ignoring the records of how the retreating Nazi army brought in POWs to burn thousands of corpses at Babi Yar. The POW were then all executed, save less than a dozen who realized they were going to get killed and managed to make a daring escape and tell their story. All the locals saw, heard, and smelled the bodies being dug up and burned for weeks. There are countless bodies still there under a mountain of dirt that covers the ravine. German soldiers made photographs of the victims that one can see on-line, and one in my piece shows German soldiers rummaging through a field of stripped clothes and personal possessions of Babi Yar victims. There are also numerous photos showing a sea of people pouring to the cite from all the major streets leading to Babi Yar (as ordered to by the Germans). They were murdered that day. I understand people not wanting to believe that horrors were committed, but they were, and the Third Reich kept detailed records and reports of what was done to innocent people.

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