Like all American wars since the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war with Russia is being waged for the sole benefit of ruling elites. Today they hold more power over America than the forces of undue corporate influence which Dwight Eisenhower warned about in his 1961 farewell address.
It is important to pause and make a clear distinction. The ruling elites have nothing to do with actual Americans and Europeans who are powerless over their domestic and foreign policies perpetrated in their name by corrupted power structures.
The war on Russia is an elitist effort to seize control of its vast resources, end its sovereignty, break up its 1200 year old territory, and topple its Orthodox Christian culture.
Even the red ‘color’ communist revolution in 1917, which resulted in mass murder of millions of Russians, was an international operation. Communists split Russia up in to republics and let Germany and Poland seize its most industrialized territories. And during Russia’s civil war that followed, US President Woodrow Wilson sent 13,000 American troops to invade and annex part of Siberia.
Once Soviet Union (Russia) defeated Nazi Germany saving Europe and the world from Fascism, Britain’s Winston Churchill urged US President Harry Truman to begin a nuclear attack to destroy Russia while it was still weakened by the Nazi’s genocide of 27 million of its people.
Thousands of Nazi war criminals were rescued from prosecution by American government and employed to continue their war against Russia. British and American intelligence agencies took over Nazi’s vast intelligence network and created Operation Gladio, a secret army conducting assassinations, psychological warfare, and false flag terrorist bombings of Europeans to blame on Soviet Union (Russia).
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, territories that were always part of Russia were now divided in to new countries, economically exploited, and their leaders and even children subjected to 'reeducation’ and radicalization by western NGOs. Russia's and Ukraine's history was completely re-written in children’s text books supplied by western funded organizations. Discriminatory laws against Russians, their language, culture, and history were codified by regimes installed inside Russia’s historic territories. Hundreds of American funded NGO’s operate inside Russia to subvert its institutions and undermine its government, its children’s education, and its Orthodox Christian culture.
Geo-politically, despite US government assurances, US and NATO expanded in to former Soviet republics and built military and missile bases near Russia. For the past two decades America conducted ‘color revolutions’ in former Soviet republics such as Ukraine and Georgia. America funded and trained Neo-Nazi militias and set up secret biological warfare labs in Ukraine.
In 1999 radicalized Islamists armed and supported by US started a war to annex Russian territory and conduct terrorist attacks in Russia. In 2003 US backed the Georgian “Rose Revolution” to overturn its election to install an anti-Russia regime instead. In 2004 US backed the “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine to overturn its democratic election and replace its leaders. In 2008, despite Russia’s objections, US and NATO announced further expansion plans in to Georgia and Ukraine. US then supported the Georgian newly installed regime to begin a military attack on Russia. In 2014 US funded and backed a violent coup d’état in Ukraine and installed a Nazi regime which conducted ethnic and cultural cleansing and mass murder of over 14,000 unarmed Russian civilians.
In June 2022, Pentagon admitted to funding 46 secret bio-labs in Ukraine that experimented with highly dangerous pathogens in violation of Biological Weapons Convention. The allegations and lab documents suggest the secret bio warfare labs throughout Ukraine were testing pathogens on Slavic genome and unwitting human subjects.
The disastrous US policies in Ukraine and Russia have been headed by Victoria Nuland, the current US Undersecretary of State who following the coup in 2014 bragged that it only cost America $5 billion to conduct the regime change.
Nuland is also a board member of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which engages in activities formerly conducted by the CIA, such as overthrowing elected governments to install its own.
Victoria Nuland’s husband is US Foreign Policy Advisor Robert Kagan who co-founded the neoconservative Project for the New American Century. PNAC advocated for America’s world domination through military force and illegal pre-emptive wars under the cover of war on terror and democracy building. PNAC’s report stated that race specific biological weapons are “politically useful tools.”
PNAC report further concluded its policies could not be advanced without a “catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” The report was published exactly one year before the September 11 terrorist attacks took place. Afterwards, Kagan made false claims blaming Iraq to start what became a $4 trillion dollar war that left over a million people dead, and left the Middle East in chaos. The war on terror resulted in new radical regimes, an ISIS caliphate, over $80 billion of new weapons left behind in Iraq and Afghanistan, and millions of African and Middle Eastern ‘migrants’ flooding in to America and Europe.
PNAC’s Signatories to Statement of Principles were a who’s who of high ranking US officials responsible for catastrophic wars. And as the Western funded Nazis in Ukraine marched a whole generation of 500,000 young men to their death at gun point, the British and American officials continue to insist Ukraine is a good investment.
After 2 years and some $200 billion of western funding, Ukraine is on the verge of total collapse and disintegration. Victoria Nuland recently traveled to Ukraine in person to mitigate the Nazi regime’s internal turmoil. The Biden administration seeks another $60 billion aid package for Ukraine, while some in Congress suggest American troops will need to be sent to fight Russia.
Even if World War 3 is averted, the current policies threaten to collapse American and European economies and the dollar based monetary system. It is becoming clear that the longer the war with Russia continues, the more likely it will result in America’s far reaching strategic, monetary, and economic failures. Yet despite the unwinnable reality of the situation, neither Washington nor Europe is willing to allow Ukraine to sign a peace deal with Russia.
No nation is benefiting more from this war and the sanctions against Russia than China. Russian and Chines cooperation is now greater than it has ever been. China is now supplied with all the cheap Russian energy to supercharge its economy’s competitive advantage.
American and European use of sanctions, monetary and trade restrictions, and illegal seizure of $300 billion of Russian reserve funds has undermined confidence in the dollar based monetary system. Nations are looking towards BRICS and increasingly conducting trade in Chinese Yuan to avoid America’s politically weaponized dollar system.
If the US dollar loses its world reserve currency status, America will collapse in ways most people cannot grasp. Even now, economically, politically, judicially, and demographically America is already collapsing. Tens of millions of illegal aliens are invading America seeking a welfare utopia. It is hard to imagine how America can survive absent a profound awakening of American will.
America has been governed by corrupt traitors who for decades deliberately steered America’s foreign, domestic, and immigration policies in to disaster for the benefit of special interests. Perhaps someday historians will figure out why this was deliberately done to America and the world.
Until then, China will continue cheering it on as it moves closer to becoming the world’s premier super power and its Yuan the world’s new reserve currency.
© Vladek Filler
Zionists/Israel and Nazis/CIA are two wings of the same genocidal bird. This bird killed JFK, did 9/11, attacked the world with 2020 bioweapon, and sits on the shoulder of the Demiurge.